Life is always listening, waiting to bring us what we need for our next ascension and upgrade. Our soul wants to change and evolve—that’s why we chose to come here in the first place—and the universe will help us when we commit to our evolution. When our old self and the life we’ve always lived start to feel stagnant, small, unaligned, and dissatisfying, we begin to long for something else. We pray for change, but we are often unaware that in wishing for something new, we must also let go of the old.
Our prayers for change will be heard, and life will slowly begin to crumble around us. During a dark phase of my own journey, I prayed for more love, connection, and community. I prayed to experience more life, more expansion, and growth. I didn’t know at the time what those prayers would bring me. Life slowly started to fall apart and rearrange around me. It felt like everything I had ever known was slowly fading away. I didn’t feel connected to the place I lived, I felt foreign to the people around me, and the business I was running didn’t resonate with my heart. For years I sat with old trauma and pain, that was finally coming to the surface ready to be felt. It felt like my whole body was shattering. I was questioning the Universe, while simultaneously trusting deeply that everything was happening in a perfect order, my mind was unable to perceive.
The paradox of change is that to receive something beautiful, we must first face all the ugly. We think the chaos around us is life starting to fall apart, but in reality, the mess has always been there; we’ve just turned a blind eye. We’ve been unaware of the negative impact our life was having on us. Chaos can seem negative at first, but in reality, it is the creative life force of spirit breaking everything apart to bring us all we ever wished for.
The process can lead us into a spiral of depression and a dark night of the soul so grand that it feels like a never-ending void of darkness. The truth is, our vessel is not yet able to hold all the blessings the Universe wants to bring us. So it must shatter, to be rebuilt stronger and more resilient, to make sure we don’t reject our miracles when they arrive. We are being primed and prepared.
When life has taken away everything we once knew to be true about ourselves, we stand naked and confused in a void of silence. It feels like limbo—a transition between what was and what has not yet arrived. This pause will test our faith and patience. The temptation to return to the old ways is the devil whispering in our ears, urging us to go back to the comfort and security of predictable pain. But our intuition knows better. Our soul longs for more and senses the blessings that are on the way.
There can be no life without death, and no blessings without loss. When we trust that the Universe is always on our side, working for us—not against us—we can lean into the change and creative chaos around us. We will be reborn on the other side, more patient, loving, humble, and grateful. We are stepping into a larger life and a bigger version of ourselves. We begin to embody our true Self—the Self that was always there—a being that loves the darkness as much as the light, that understands change will always come with loss, and that knows silent prayers whispered in the quiet of the night will always be heard by the invisible, loving ear of Spirit.