Emotions are energy flowing as currents—malleable, ever-changing, and fluid. They fuel action and life, making it possible for us to interpret the world around us on a sensory level. All emotions have different vibrational frequencies.
At the high end of the frequency scale, there’s freedom, joy, and love, which all carry a lightness to them. They are meant to be light because they act as access points to the divine. They make us move faster with the energy of spirit.
At the lower frequency end, we feel helpless, depressed, apathetic, and sad. There’s nothing wrong with these lower-frequency emotions—they are simply heavier and denser, meant to ground us and slow us down so we can address them and give them the presence they need. Depression, for example, causes our nervous system to go into a freeze response, making us feel stuck and hopeless. It wants us to stop moving so we can sit with and acknowledge how we feel, addressing the trauma, situations, or thought patterns that created the emotion in the first place.
Some feelings act as messengers, while others serve as an emotional backdrop—like a subtle atmospheric tone—reflecting the natural ebb and flow of our inner chemistry.
In Human Design, emotions are created only by a defined Solar Plexus. The Solar Plexus creates chemical waves from within, making ripples in the outer world. The undefined Solar Plexus doesn’t generate emotions but responds to the emotional landscape around it, influenced by thoughts and stories of the mind.
Regardless of how emotions are created or the story attached to them, they are here to be felt. On the path of healing, an important part of the journey is learning to sit with our emotions and feel the sensations in our body. We often begin this process by awakening through noticing the thought patterns of our mind, sometimes staying there for a long time, analyzing why we think the way we do. The mind spins narratives to hijack our focus, keeping us from feeling the pain in the body. But the true path to healing comes through sitting with our feelings without the temptation to escape back to the security of the mind.
When emotions—and thereby life force—get trapped in the body, they create blocks that prevent life from flowing. These blocks often form between our energy centers or chakras, leaving us feeling split in our bodies. The largest blockages usually reside in the Sacral, Solar Plexus, and Throat chakras because these are the largest energy hubs in the body.
As we begin to feel the trapped emotions, the energy starts to flow, dissolving the blockages in our system. This allows the whole body to function more efficiently and is mirrored in our thought patterns and perspective on life, which automatically becomes more positive and loving.
Grieving and crying cleanse our vessel, softening tension and dissolving blockages around our heart space. As the body softens, we feel our life force, creativity, and sensuality begin to flow again, making creation more effortless and natural.
The last important step for any healing to take place is integration. When we integrate, we complete the cyclical process of emotion and tie the energetic cord that created the hurt in the original experience. Integrating an emotional experience requires conscious awareness and a letting go of the hurt by loving and understanding it unconditionally. You don’t need to know exactly what happened or why. Oftentimes, trauma is created before our child self developed conscious awareness, but we do need to show ourselves compassion and understanding in the present moment, embracing the sensations in the body completely.
Becoming your own best friend on all levels is a beautiful process of practising deep self-intimacy. It’s about diving into your inner landscape and feeling all that arises with gentleness, curiosity, and love.