Human Design is a beautiful mechanical system to understand human nature. But structures need feeling to come alive. I like to infuse poetic emotion into the soul of everything. My Capricorn nature loves the practicality of the mundane plane, but my soul awakens whenever I weave in the magic. Because magic is truly where the mystery unfolds—it’s the invisible frequency that infuses all matter.

The world needs more poetry and a healthy expression of feeling. Even self-growth and spiritual evolution can easily become another space to reinforce lack, low self-worth, and self-criticism. Every form and structure must be infused with warmth, intention, and care for them to truly benefit us.

When I first began my Human Design journey, it felt like such a relief to let go of my emotional perception and lean into a system that could objectively tell me who I was and how to live. Finally, a place of rest from the constant emotional charge I always felt in the background.
I started bypassing my emotional experience, talking myself out of my feelings with an intellectual explanation to everything. I treated myself as a mechanical being—a machine that just needed the perfect mixture of fuel to function flawlessly and effectively. What a beautiful life to live—a life of correctness and comfort, without the stickiness and nuance of emotions.

But what I’ve learned along the way is that emotions are the song of existence. They are the magic that makes life feel alive and juicy. We can’t strip feeling from life, no matter how tempting it may be to ignore them. We don’t need to overanalyze or place them at the forefront of life, but we must sense them—as a soft, ever-present background frequency. This is our humanity, our heart space.

No system can optimize your life or expand your consciousness without you being attuned to the language of your body. Your Human Design experiment needs an embodied approach and a dash of emotion to truly come alive—allowing you to create an existence full of beautiful messiness and aliveness.