Anna Hooge
I’m Anna, a multi-passionate being, a pathfinder, intuitive, spaceholder, storyteller, and artist of life — always expanding and learning. I’ve spent most of my life trying to figure out how to be good and make the right decisions. I was obsessed with finding my unique path and purpose, always feeling confused, disconnected, insecure, and doubtful about myself and life.
This led me to spend a lot of time in my mental space, trying to use my mind to understand my place in the world — always attempting to control, fix, transform, change, and heal myself into the powerful version I knew lived inside of me.
The search brought many transformations and awakenings, leading me on many inner and outer journeys. I traveled the world, exploring different healing modalities, and trained in psychotherapy.
All the chapters of my life has held beautiful lessons, but it wasn’t until I connected with my emotions that profound healing took place. All the trauma I carried in my body came to the surface, and for years, I sat patiently with the pain, letting it tell its stories.
During this time, I began experimenting with Human Design, learning to trust my body to make decisions rather than relying on my persistent mind. The decisions I made brought me into alignment quickly, and life started to reorganize itself around me. My new centered way of being opened up a deep connection to spirit and despite the re-ordering of my physical reality, flow, joy, and ease became my main allies.
I found the thing I was always looking for – the deep intimacy and connection within and the purpose I’d so desperately searched for unfolded naturally in front of my eyes.
The Alchemy
- . Human Design
. Astrology
. Numerology
. Hermetic Principles - . Tarot & Oracles
- . Parts Work
- . Inner Child Work
. Shadow Work
. Divine Feminine & Masculine - . Archetypes
Creativity & Subconcious
- . Art Therapy
. Intuitive Writing - . Journaling
. Vision Boarding
. Manifestation
Somatic & Energy
- . Intuition Exercises
- . Somatic Practise
- . Emotional Awareness
- . Meditation & Breathwork
- . Energy Work

Truth restores us with the most personal and universal intimacy with our essence. Walk with truth and let others be invited to deepen themselves in their reception of you.
Truth is ever only wielded in the name of and by the hands of love. Truth germinates our reality ro break through the hard seed of our conditioning, it calls forth our potential.
The Prophetess

The voyage
My path led me to create Unearth, a growth space and initiation for individuals to align with their true nature. When we connect to the core of our being, our innermost essence, our path unfolds naturally. When we align, we connect with higher forces, allowing life to flow with ease.
My work blends the structure of mechanical systems, the mystery of embodied experience, and the magic of spirit to help beings cultivate connection and self-intimacy. It’s an alchemical process, merging self-awareness tools, psychology, and creative expression—fueled by truth, love, creativity, connection, purpose, and growth.
I want to help create a world where beings thrive, connected to their purpose, living and creating from their true essence. I believe we all have the innate ability to expand beyond our current reality and create a new vision for our lives — one filled with more happiness, connection, and meaning.