The human design energy centers

We all have different chakras or energy centers which contains a specific quality of energy. In Human Design these centers can be either defined or undefined. When we have a center defined it means we have consistent access to the energy of the center and that we naturally transmit this energy to our environment and other people.

When we have undefined centers we are open and more vulnerable to the influence of our surroundings. This means we take in the energy of the people, environment and transits of the planets. This can feel destabilizing, like our energy is fluctuating in these aras. This will often lead to a feeling of missing something and not being good enough, causing us to over-compensate in the specific areas. Think of it as all the accumulated conditioning we have taken in through-out life. From our parents, friends, culture etc. The open centers are essentially all that we are not – a conditioned part of ourselves, we picked up along the way.

Our open centers have a specific archetypical dialogue associated with it. Think of it like each center has a distinct voice. This inner dialogue is mostly negative, making us act in ways that cause a misalignment in our being, taking us away from our true natural self. It makes us feel stuck in self-sabotaging patterns of behaviour and leads to frustration, bitterness, anger and disappointment.  Learning to spot the voice of our open centers and vulnerabilities, can help us detach from its narrative. When we learn to detach, we gain full awareness and sovereignty over our actions, making us feel more empowered in our life. 

The openness of our design is also where we have the chance to become wise, because it’s often here we have the biggest learnings through-out life. When you work with your awareness and wake up to the inner dialogue of your conditioning, you will slowly gain the wise voice of this center.

In my experience the process of detaching from the voices of my open energy centers is a on-going process of noticing and forgetting. The voices of our conditioned self is powerful and clever and is often hiding in very old narratives and beliefs within, that’s been such an integral part of our being, that it can feel impossible to see it when it happens. My own conditioning, especially in my open Self Center and Ego Center has been a major life theme for me. Proving yourself and searching for love and direction creeps in, in so many different ways. You think you’ve finally healed, only to realize that the voice of conditioning has merely changed shape and form. This is not a discouragement, but an invitation to be soft and gentle with yourself in your process. 

The freedom that comes from noticing the voices and choosing to act in accordance with our true nature is truly liberating. We become masters in noticing the narratives and choosing to chose what feels true and loving for us.

Below you’ll find an overview of the different centers and some typical conditioned not-self sentences associated with the center and in contrast, the voice of the wisdom within it.

Head Center

The inner dialogue usually goes:

  • I need to feel inspired, where can I go to be inspired?
  • I need an answer to my questions, where can I go to find the answers? 
  • I’ve need to understand this, what can I do to find the clarity?
  • Who has the answers I seek? 
  • They are asking me questions, I need to provide an answer for them, what should I answer?

The wise voice would say:

  • Knowing and discerning what is important to think about
  • Identifying which questions needs answers and which doesn’t 
  • Discerning whether the pressure for answering the question comes from yourself or from the outside 

Ajna Center

The inner dialogue usually goes:

  • I have to figure out this situation
  • What should I do with my life?
  • Where is my next move? 
  • I have to put order into my life to get rid of the chaos
  • I have to make this new idea a reality in my life
  • I should not share this, they are going to judge me
  • I have to be ready for the challenge
  • What am I going to say?
  • I need to be right
  • I need to be certain about this

The wise voice would say:

  • I don’t need to be certain about anything, I can’t predict life
  • I can be fluid in my opinions, I don’t need to be certain about what I know
  • I can change my mind whenever I want to
  • I don’t owe anyone an explanation or answer 

Throat Center

The inner dialogue usually goes:

  • How can I get the attention I want? 
  • Is anyone noticing me? 
  • If I say this then I will be noticed
  • If I initiate this conversation then I will get the attention I need
  • I better say samething because this silence is making me uncomfortable
  • What should I manifest? I better manifest something
  • What or who will become in life?

The wise voice would say:

  • I don’t have to ‘do’ anything to attract attention
  • Attention comes naturally when it is correct for me
  • People notice me when I’m grounded in my natural self 

Self / G Center

The inner dialogue usually goes:

  • Who am I? 
  • Where can I go to find out who I am?
  • Who can show me who I am? 
  • Who am I going to love? 
  • Who is going to love me? 
  • How do I find them? 
  • Where can I find them? 
  • What am I going to do with my life? 
  • Where should I go to figure out what to do with my life? 
  • Do I feel lost? 
  • Let’s go here because we might find something that will show me who I am or what to do with my life
  • I need this relationship, because I gives me a sense of who I am
  • If I’m with this person I will finally know myself 

The wise voice would say:

  • I don’t need to look for love out there
  • I don’t have to know my direction 
  • I don’t need to go search for love, love will find me when I’m being my natural self

Ego / Heart Center

The inner dialogue usually goes:

  • I have to do this because if I don’t won’t be worthy 
  • I need to be in control
  • I have to be brave 
  • I have to prove my value to others 
  • I have to be loyal so that others will see how valuable I am  
  • Well, if I just tell it like this and make the promise then they will see how wonderful I am 
  • If I show them how trustworthy I am then they will like me 
  • They think I can do this so I better prove to them that I can 
  • If I’m in control then I can prove my worth 
  • I’m not a good wife, lover, friend, son, daughter, mother or father unless I prove it 
  • If I’m in control then I can prove my worth 
  • I can’t charge money for this, it’s not of any value 

The wise voice would say:

  • Recognize your inherent value and worth in just being you
  • Recognizing what and who is truly valuable and why 
  • Learning that your being and actions bring value to others and that trusting what to charge for the contribution you bring

Solar Plexus Center

The inner dialogue usually goes:

  • I don’t want to deal with the confrontation
  • Let’s say this to avoid any confrontation
  • Let’s not say that because it might upset that person 
  • Let’s say it like this to soften the potential confrontation 
  • Let’s be really nice and smile a lot so they like me 
  • There is no point in going there because I might be disappointed or be rejected 
  • It’s not worth it 
  • I’m afraid it won’t work out so why bother? I’m afraid to tell the truth because I don’t want to hurt their feelings 

The wise voice would say:

  • Learn that you can experience the full spectrum of emotions and survive
  • Knowing the price of truth 
  • Being willing to stand in your truth and express it to others, even though it might mean confrontation and/or rejection

Spleen Center

The inner dialogue usually goes:

  • Let’s not do that because it makes me insecure 
  • I feel afraid every time I think about doing that thing
  • Let’s not say that because it might upset that person 
  • I’m afraid that I will feel inadequate if I do that 
  • I’m not going to do that because I might fail 
  • I’m afraid of doing that because of what the outcome will be or what the future will bring  
  • I’m afraid of the responsibility or the criticism 
  • I can’t do that because I might lose my connection with that person 
  • I’m afraid that they will leave me 

The wise voice would say:

  • Perceiving what is healthy or toxic for me
  • Knowing when to let go of what is not longer healthy or good for me 
  • Trusting my instincts in the now, recognizing when something is dangerous

Sacral Center

The inner dialogue usually goes:

  • Let’s keep working 
  • I really need to get this done now
  • I need to say yes to that otherwise I might miss out on something 
  • I can keep going, let me just get a cup of coffee 
  • I can do that too, no problem 
  • I’m not tired yet, I don’t want to take a nap or lie down – there’s too much to do 
  • Let’s take care of that for them 
  • I have to do it myself 
  • Yes, we are doing all the work, but then again someone have to do it 
  • I don’t think it’s enough yet 
  • Boundaries? What’s boundaries? 

The wise voice would say:

  • Knowing when enough is enough
  • Recognizing when your body is tired and need rest”> 
  • Knowing what is your responsibility to do and what is not

Root Center

The inner dialogue usually goes:

  • What am I going to do to make my life better? 
  • I must achieve something in my life, where is my purpose?
  • I better hurry up and get this done, the pressure feels uncomfortable 
  • I must start something new now 
  • How can I get past this limitation? 
  • What am I going to focus on? I need something to focus on 
  • I need to be needed, who needs me?  
  • Where is my passion, what am I passionate about?  
  • I feel like a new experience 
  • I must hurry up and initiate a new experience 
  • I don’t want to waste any time, I must get this done now 

The wise voice would say:

  • Knowing how to set limits around unhealthy pressure
  • Learning how to move with ease and breathe into pressure 
  • Working with our natural energy and cycles and how to channel it appropriately