Our truth is really an alignment of the layers that constitute our electromagnetic field, also called our aura. When all the layers vibrate in harmony, we stand in our integrity and power. The universe recognizes this alignment and the purity of our being, and it begins to offer us assistance on our path. This feels like flow, synchronicities and ease in our movements.
Our truth is nothing we can find outside ourselves, but something we connect to, when we peel back the layers of conditioning, we have picked up along the way As we grow up, we subconsciously learn that our truth is somehow not okay. This causes us to disconnect from our natural way of operating, and the different parts within become fragmented and suppressed in the shadow of our subconscious. This results in a disharmony within, where some of our parts want something for us, but other parts want something else. This feels like resistance and scattered energy and gets our different bodies and thereby frequency thrown out of alignment. It’s as if we are communicating different messages to the universe, so we don’t receive what we long for, because we’re sending mixed signals. This is why manifestation never works on a purely mental level, unless we align all the layers of our being to the vision we hold for our future.
In reality, we don’t need to manifest anything when we align with our truth. The alignment in our frequency will automatically draw in and magnetize us to what’s meant for us. In Human Design this is happening from our heart space, the seat of the soul – also called the G-center or the center of Self. Think of this area as a magnet pulling us toward the things, people, and experiences that are right for us, supporting our soul’s expansion and the evolution of our universe. This is why using our strategy and authority is key to creating alignment within our being, so we begin to attract the right experiences for us. This doesn’t mean we will avoid pain and disappointment—those are all part of our soul’s evolution—but it does mean we will experience a deep connection to our essence and core, and fulfill the highest potential of our being.
This process in not for the faint of heart and on a subconscious level, we know that listening and expressing our inner truth, will have consequences for the life we are living today. Our subconscious doesn’t want change. That’s why our mind will use any trick in the book, to make us not trust and follow our authority, to create the changes necessary for our expansion. Truth is our power and this power scares us, because re-claiming our sovereignty would mean taking full responsibility for our lives. No more victimhood or blaming circumstances and others for our problems. Listening to our truth means taking full accountability for everything in our reality and creating a life that is truly aligned with who we are.
My own process with re-claiming truth, is an on-going process, that is constantly unfolding. My Human Design has a lot of mutative energy and individual circuitry, so the process of shedding, has unfolded through many phases of deaths and rebirths. I’ve had to release and integrate many archetypical patterns of people pleasing, co-dependency, victim mentality and scapegoating, that has been deeply imprinted in me on a cellular level.
When I started my de-conditioning process, my life shifted completely. Everything I knew to be true about myself, crumbled and my perspective on everything shifted dramatically. It felt like everything was falling a part around me and I had to say goodbye to a lot of beliefs, emotions, places, people and activities I had once thought would be with me forever. But what felt like crumbling, was really life aligning me with my truth.
After the first years of shedding and releasing, I began to experience a deep connection to my intuition and the creative lifeforce of the Universe that showed up in my outer reality, as daily synchronicities and intuitive nudges that guided me through life. My perception and awareness heightened and it felt psychically impossible for me to pretend or hide behind any form of mask. I learned to read the language of energy and I could easily fee the disharmony between other peoples words and actions.
This can be a deeply confronting experience, but with realizing and recognizing truth comes integrity and feeling of empowerment. Standing in truth has brought me a feeling of solidity and a deep trust in myself and life. Truth sets you free from any kind of disempowering illusion and feels like medicine in the deepest parts of our being.