Your inner oracle
Intuition is a mysterious force, the voice of spirit flowing through us. It is a deeply personal experience that can only be understood by being still and listening within. Building a connection to your intuition is an intimate journey—a relationship that evolves over time by continuously tuning in and trusting the subtle whispers of your soul. Our intuition is always guiding us, gently nudging us toward the right direction. The voice of intuition is distinct from the chatter of the mind—it’s a deep resonance throughout our being, when we recognize something that feels true to us.
Using objects to mirror our intuitive knowing can be a helpful tool when working with our inner compass. Oracles, Tarot cards, and archetypical symbols can guide us in tuning in and honing our intuitive skills. By reflecting our inner wisdom back to us, these tools support us in strengthening our connection to the quiet yet profound guidance that lies within.
My own practise of trusting my intuition began by working with oracle cards. It can seem counterintuitive at first, like you are relying on something external from you to guide your decisions. But really, it’s an intimate practise of tuning in with the instrument of resonance within.
Here’s some inspiration on how to work with divination cards, to practise more intuitive awareness and connection to spirit.
I. Tune in with yourself
- Set the intention to connect with your higher self and intuition before using the cards or oracles. This is easier in a quiet space where you can focus, free from distractions.
- Ground yourself by taking a few deep breaths, closing your eyes, and tuning into your body and energy.
II. Focus on what feels must alive and present for you
- Decide on what you’d like to focus on or inquire about.
- It can be a specific question, a general area of your life (e.g., career, relationships, personal growth), or simply an open-ended request for guidance.
III. Trust what comes to you
- When you pull a card, allow yourself to notice the first impressions or feelings that arise.
- Don’t overanalyze or try to force meanings. Your first response is often the truest, most intuitive one.
- Pay attention to your emotional reactions, images, colors, or symbols that stand out to you. These are signs that your intuition is speaking to you.
IV. Tune in with your unique Inner Authority
- Use your own unique intuition based on your Human Design to feel into the messages.
- Is your gut or Sacral center responding with energy to the insight? Are you receiving instinctual hits of confirmation from your Spleen? Does the message resonate deeply on an emotional level?
- Take the time to learn how your unique way of tuning in operates, as it will help strengthen your trust in yourself and your ability to navigate life with confidence.
V. Listen to yourself first
- Many divination cards or oracles come with a guidebook or explanation of the card meanings. These can be helpful for grounding your understanding, but don’t rely on the book alone.
- After reading the guidebook description, close it and reflect on how the card speaks to you personally.
- Your intuitive interpretation will often go beyond the guidebook meaning and provide deeper insight.
VI. Write down your insights
- Write down your questions, impressions, and card pulls in a journal. Reflect on your experiences and any intuitive insights that emerge.
- Over time, you’ll start to see patterns, recurring themes, or symbols that come up in your readings. This helps you recognize and trust the subtle nudges from your intuition.
- Journaling also deepens your connection with your cards and your own intuitive wisdom, creating more and more self-awareness.
VII. Stay open and curious
- Your intuition may not always give you the answers you expect or want to hear. Be open to unexpected insights and trust that your intuition knows what you need.
- Sometimes, the answers may come in symbols or images that you don’t immediately understand. Give yourself permission to explore and interpret them over time.
VIII. Observe how your intuitive hunches manifest in reality
- As you use your cards, observe how the guidance you receive shows up in your life.
- Often, the cards will provide messages that unfold later or are reflected in situations or people that come into your life.
- When you notice these connections, it helps to reinforce your trust in your intuition and the accuracy of the messages you receive.
Remember to never give your personal power away
Remember, divination tools like cards and oracles are not meant to decide for you or predict the future—they are here to help you tap into your own inner guidance system. The more you practice, the more confident you will become in interpreting the messages and trusting your own intuition. In the end you wont need them anymore, but they can be a beautiful bridging tool, when you first begin to tune in with yourself.