Our movement in life is fueled by lifeforce and energy. This force flows through every living thing and propels the Universe through continual evolution toward higher and higher consciousness. Our bodies run on this lifeforce, and it’s always moving, with or without our conscious awareness. Our heart does not need our mind’s permission to beat—it just pulses. We don’t need to think about breathing; air flows through our lungs with or without our permission. Our decision-making process works the same way. Our body knows where it’s going, with or without our consent. We don’t like this idea because it makes us feel out of control. But as long as we cling to the illusion of being in charge of life, we will suffer. The mind is a beautiful tool to process, conceptualize, compare, and communicate, but it is not meant to make decisions for us. We all have a different inner authority in charge of making decisions —our unique compass to navigate life.
However, we have been taught to do “the right thing,” to put others’ needs before our own, and to choose the path that upholds peace and creates the least confrontation. In other words, we have learned how to be good. But the body knows nothing about morality. Morals are a concept of the mind, a way society and religion have controlled our actions by labeling some choices and aspects of ourselves as sinful. Our body doesn’t know sin because nothing in life is inherently good or bad. It just is. That does not mean we should make decisions that violate others, but it does mean that sometimes the most loving act is disappointing the other, if it means we stay true to ourselves and our inherent nature. This has been a huge learning and theme throughout my own life. When I first began experimenting with Human Design I tuned in to my Sacral to feel the quality of life in the chakra. A image appeared immediately and I saw a grey dark cave full of dust and spiderwebs. This did not indicate a lifeforce and creativity that was thriving and alive to me. But the more I tuned in with my authentic yes and no and honored the responses of my body, the move my creativity and energy began to increase in potency. I had to be willing to be misunderstood and perceived as selfish, but this is all a natural part of reclaiming your sacred power.
The body is immensely intelligent. It knows intuitively how to keep us safe, protected, and healthy. It knows the direction to our highest good—which may not always feel pleasant, but will be the best for our soul’s evolution and the greater good of the Universe. But we are so used to make decisions with our minds because it maintains the illusion of control. However, control is a temporary relief, creating confluence in our surroundings but never a solid, long-lasting peace. We spend so much time trying to figure out the right choice for us, comparing and thinking in pros and cons, but in reality, our mind will never reach the point of intuitive intelligence that our body holds.
Decision-making therefore comes down to lifeforce. In the case of the Sacral authority in Human Design: Do we have the energy to follow through on the decisions we make? Is this decision lighting me up and does it feel right in my gut? And in case of the Splenic Authority: Is this energy I’m participating in healthy for me? If you tune in to your sacral response, you will feel a pull, a surge, or a vibration from within when something turns your system on. This is your body’s confirmation that you should indeed do the thing. Usually, the body has decided long before the mind comes online, but we don’t realize this because our awareness is occupied in our thoughts. This looks like automatically standing up from your chair and walking toward the kitchen because your body gave you the cue that you were getting thirsty. You might think your mind told you to get up, but in reality, it’s the other way around. In Human Design, the body is called the vehicle and the mind the passenger. The body takes you where you are supposed to go, and your mind is just along for the ride, enjoying the view.
Decisions-making can therefore never be personal or a question of good or bad, right or wrong. It’s merely a question of: Do I have energy for this, will this be healthy for me? Giving your mind a rest and learning to surrender to the movement of flow running through you, is a tremendous relief, that fuels our soul with vitality and creates a life of ease. Life is meant to feel juice, alive and lit up. A life that sends ripples through your being, when your Sacral fires up to tell you something is right for you. The Sacral response in our gut is not interested in right or wrong, but what feels new and exciting.