I’ve spent most of my life searching and wandering, trying to use my mind to understand my place and purpose on this planet. Why did my soul come here? How can I contribute and be of service to humanity? I studied every system I came across, traveled to foreign destinations, followed many teachers and took course after course in the hope of stumbling upon the thing that would finally show me what to do with this beautiful life I had been given.
But the thing is, we can’t think our way into our purpose, because purpose is not something we find—it’s something we embody when we align with our soul. My search for purpose, had been a beautiful mix of my open Self Center, searching for love and direction, and my Open Heart Center trying to prove I was worthy. I unconsciously thought: If I just find someone or something that can show me my purpose, I can finally prove to myself that I’m worthy and I’ll be saved from my pain.
The most intimate place of our being—the space in our heart where our soul rests and whispers to us—is where we find what we are looking for: a deep connection to ourselves and, thereby, a deep connection to life. It’s not a mental process of understanding or something we find in the physical reality, but a coming into ourselves, peeling back the layers of conditioning and learned behavior we picked up along the way.
When we start to rest in our true nature, our purpose unfolds naturally. With every decision we make and every step we take, with full discernment coming from a place of deep integrity, clarity and truth, our path slowly reveals itself. It feels deeply meaningful and alive, like all your senses are coming online to witness the beautiful unfolding of your soul’s purpose.
On the surface, in the outer sphere of life, things might look the same. But when you look closer, something has shifted. The unease and constant stress of lack is gone, and you finally rest in beautiful solidity, with deep roots within and a blossoming connection to spirit.
From this place, there’s no limit to what you can create in this lifetime. Your purpose is the quality you bring to life—it’s the essence of your being infused into everything you touch. With this understanding, our purpose can take many shapes and forms. It goes beyond a simple job title. It’s a quality, a flavor, and a naturalness only you can embody.